The Wayback Machine -

Four brothers.  One quartet.

​  Entertaining, innovative and

​    sometimes zany barbershop

      entertainment for any event.

​Farrell, a resident of Kaysville, Utah, is the brains behind the development of numerous Electronic Arts computer games that never saw the light of day. He is a meat smoker extraordinaire, connoisseur of fine automobiles, trombone artiste, and is able to water ski without hands – or, for that matter, skis. He is the proud father of four children, all of whom are smarter than he is, and his garden is the envy of the neighborhood. He has rubbed shoulders with isolated Indonesian natives and climbed Mt. Kilimanjaro. His capacity for drinking vast quantities of soda is unparalleled.
David is the most musically diverse member of the 4 Hims, accomplished in voice, cello, guitar, and tuba. He was the founder of the eponymously named David Edwards Band. A computer software engineer living in Bountiful, Utah, he has worked in Wisconsin, New York, Washington, Texas, and Japan, and is an expert on kanji – character-based Japanese writing. A father of four, he is the co-founder of Daily Goods, a grocery delivery service, has a tendency to stay up all night absorbed in one project or another, and writes novels in his spare time. He is doing his best to become as bald as Alan, but has learned to be at peace in second place.
Alan has practiced patent law in New York, logged trees in Wyoming, researched space science in Utah, programmed computers in Texas, presented papers in Switzerland, played jazz saxophone in California, and knocked on doors in Spain. He now lives in Logan, Utah.   An award-winning journalist, he has written more than 2,000 newspaper articles on everything from government scandals to operatic vibrato, and has been the subject of radio and television interviews on topics ranging from Russian athletes to The Lord of the Rings.  He is an avid hiker and soccer player, and willingly fills the stiff-white-guy role in yoga classes otherwise populated by gum-popping 20-somethings named Brittany. He has three beautiful daughters and six very talented grandchildren.

 David Edwards - Bass

​ Farrell Edwards - Baritone 

​ Alan Edwards - Lead 

​ John Edwards - Tenor 









​John, a professor at Utah State University, doubles as the 4 Hims’ resident underwater trumpet player, triples as the group’s mouth drummer, quadruples as the group’s primary pianist, and quintuples as . . . well, you get the idea. A resident of Logan, Utah, he has proselyted in Italy, played soccer in Chile, raised tomatoes in West Virginia, toured with the world-champion Blue Devils drum and bugle corps, and is musical director for the Cache Valley Good Times Marching Band. The Right Honorable Guardian of the 4 Hims’ Pitch Pipe, in his spare time John longboards, makes fine furniture, and goes on long trail runs.